Maak de pagina "ClumsyOwlet" op deze wiki! Zie ook de lijst met gevonden zoekresultaten
- Bestand:Half-hours with insects; Part 9, Insects as mimics (IA halfhourswithins09pack).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)on the surface of the ground or in the grass are the numerous species of owlet moths (Noctuidie). The Agrotis and Mamestra, and many others of this family…(1.293 × 1.979 (2,39 MB)) - 3 mei 2024 00:49
- Bestand:Among the forest people; (IA amongforestpeopl00pier).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)am off say- so sorry for But then, one would never have you. young Owlets if He was nest." dren, she began to speak of one did n't stick to…(745 × 1.172 (13,59 MB)) - 28 jun 2024 13:54
- Bestand:Among the forest people; (IA cu31924002902843).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)bad. I am .r^" sorry for But then, one would never have you. young Owlets if He was nest." dren, she began to speak of one did the n't stick…(714 × 1.116 (3,45 MB)) - 7 aug 2023 07:04
- Bestand:A bird calendar for northern India (IA birdcalendarforn00dewarich).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)spotted owlet disturbs the silences of the moon. Few nights pass on which the dusky horned owl fails to utter his grunting hoot, or the jungle owlet to emit…(645 × 1.072 (19,32 MB)) - 26 apr 2024 15:00
- Bestand:The peacock "at home" - a sequel to the butterfly's ball (IA peacockathomea00dorsiala).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)With old Doctor BUZZARD and Adm'ral PENGUIN, From Ivy bush tow'r came Dame OWLET the Wise, And Counsellor CROSSBILL sat by to advise. ES Eft Some…(470 × 618 (2,51 MB)) - 7 dec 2020 18:21
- Bestand:A child's own book of verse, (Vol. 1) (IA childsownbookofv01skin).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)Mary Howliston Laura E. Richards How to Get a Breakfast.53 Three Little Owlets.54 Over in the Meadow .... Olive A. Wadsworth Elf and Dormouse.Oliver…(1.287 × 1.827 (5,15 MB)) - 2 sep 2023 07:04
- Bestand:Elfin songs of Sunland (IA elfinsongssunland00keelrich).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)all day like 43 a ground cuckoo? of jSunland, THE BURROWING OWL Y owlet blinkety atop of your mound, your mate tucked away in a Is hole in…(789 × 1.179 (4,98 MB)) - 8 feb 2022 12:25
- Bestand:Elfin songs of sunland (IA cu31924028198921).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)ground cuckoo. ! ^Ifm ^ottCfX of jSunUtwt THE BURROWING OWL Y atop owlet blinkety of your mound, Is your mate tucked away in a hole in the ground…(925 × 1.316 (2,2 MB)) - 9 mei 2024 22:58
- Bestand:The Downing legends; stories in rhyme- (IA downinglegends00deforich).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)sheeted form Approaching through the bosky ways ; Or, marking eyes of owlet brighten, I know the vampyre s deadly gaze; Or, hearing sound of footsteps…(714 × 1.089 (8,9 MB)) - 15 okt 2020 11:36
- Bestand:The Downing legends; stories in rhyme- (IA downinglegendsst00defo).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)sheeted form Approaching through the bosky ways ; Or, marking eyes of owlet brighten, I know the vampyre's deadly gaze; Or, hearing sound of footsteps…(664 × 1.062 (9,62 MB)) - 13 okt 2024 22:32
- Bestand:Birds and nature in natural colors - being a scientific and popular treatise on four hundred birds of the United States and Canada (IA birdsnatureinnat02chic).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)owl. Private Long, of the Greeley expedition, who raised six of these owlets, released them only because food became scarce enough for men during the…(966 × 1.339 (16,24 MB)) - 21 mei 2024 21:22
- Bestand:The bride of the Bosphorus - a Turkish tale, in one canto (IA brideofbosphorus00sand).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)looks the Atmeidan J How lone On yonder obelisk, in accents shrill, The owlet screams his dirge, then noiseless flies To meet his mate upon the Kaiser's…(725 × 1.129 (1,7 MB)) - 11 feb 2023 21:02
- Bestand:Transcriptions from art and nature (IA transcriptionsfr00stru).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)shadows cyanine a pale maid sleeps And watch, 'midst purpling boughs, an owlet keeps Though of the maid he never hath a sight Whilst glide the sapphire…(602 × 1.027 (2,98 MB)) - 1 mrt 2022 11:11
- Bestand:Walks, talks, travels, and exploits of two schoolboys - a book for boys (IA walkstalkstravel00atkiiala).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)Hareborough ling Voyage XIX. A Walk on the Marshes Shrimps 403 The Owlets A TrawWildfowl Shooting Afloat 404 433 CHAPTER I. Elmdon School Dr…(666 × 1.070 (24,84 MB)) - 25 dec 2020 20:08
- Bestand:Poems of New England and old Spain (IA poemsofnewenglan00pier).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)the Auto-da-fe found a child once wandering in a wood, Misled by owlet's hoot and will-o'-the-wisp, And pitying led Where none on home. it…(729 × 1.104 (2,93 MB)) - 1 aug 2024 20:03
- Bestand:Poems of New England and old Spain (IA poemsofnewenglan00pierrich).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)Night Before I the Auto-da-fe found a child once wandering Misled by owlet's hoot and And pitying led Where none on it home. in a wood, will-o'-the-wisp…(741 × 1.120 (2,93 MB)) - 3 mei 2024 01:54
- Bestand:An attempt at a glossary of some words used in Cheshire (IA attemptatglossar00wilbrich).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)has *' Heo for she." Hull, V. to throw. HuLLOT, or HuLLART. s. an owlet or owl. HuRE, s. the hair. Lan. HuRE-soRE, when the skin of the head from…(514 × 950 (5,66 MB)) - 8 aug 2023 23:05
- Bestand:Injurious garden insects (IA injuriousgardeni00hals).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)Tinea, or devoured bodily by the large fleshy larvae of several different owlet-moths." The Striped Beetle annually worth of cucujnber vines destroys…(685 × 1.031 (1,44 MB)) - 11 mei 2024 01:41
- Bestand:Early vanities (IA earlyvanities00clod).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)heaven to him is this sober scene A the fledgeling owlet by him shoot, Athwart the forest at the clumsy coot, The russet leaves crash 'neath his heavy tread…(710 × 1.029 (12,59 MB)) - 10 mei 2024 04:13
- Bestand:The peacock "at home" (IA peacockathomebya00dorsiala).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)are highly THE PEACOCK " AT HOME." 14 From Ivy-bush tower came Dame Owlet And the Wise, Counsellor Cross-bill* sat by to advise. Some Birds past…(514 × 852 (4,71 MB)) - 29 jul 2022 22:16