Maak de pagina "YewBowman" op deze wiki! Zie ook de lijst met gevonden zoekresultaten
- photographer author name string: YewBowman Wikimedia username: YewBowman URL: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:YewBowman determination method or standard:…(300 × 424 (43 kB)) - 9 dec 2024 03:05
- ruimtestation in twee perspectieven. author name string: YewBowman URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:YewBowman Wikimedia username: YewBowman…(450 × 160 (10 kB)) - 7 jan 2022 17:55
- ruimtestation in twee perspectieven. author name string: YewBowman URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:YewBowman Wikimedia username: YewBowman…(900 × 320 (25 kB)) - 27 okt 2024 14:00
- The yew-trees of Great Britain and Ireland ( ) Author Lowe, John Title The yew-trees of Great Britain and Ireland Publisher London, Macmillan Description…(697 × 1.187 (19,9 MB)) - 17 dec 2020 15:54
- The yew-trees of Great Britain and Ireland Author Lowe, John, 1830-1902 Title The yew-trees of Great Britain and Ireland Publisher London, Macmillan…(856 × 1.352 (15,72 MB)) - 6 jan 2025 14:56
- Bestand:The book of archery (IA TheBookOfArchery).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)ft £. fl . C^ THE BOOK OF ARCHERY. 11Y GEORGE AGAR HANSARD, OWENT BOWMAN, AUTHOR OF "TROUT AMD SALMON FISHING IN WALKS.' LONDON: LONGMAN, OUME,…(806 × 1.233 (15,59 MB)) - 20 aug 2024 07:47
- Bestand:A history of British forest-trees - indigenous and introduced (IA b30388399 0008).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)frequently built in Yew groves or near old Yew trees, than that Yew trees were planted in the churchyards after the churches were built. Mr. Bowman also observes…(1.304 × 2.114 (4,09 MB)) - 29 jun 2023 07:41
- Bestand:Berried shrubs for bird gardens - Bobbink & Atkins. (IA CAT31321082).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)RHODODENDRONS in variety. TAXUS cuspidata (capitata). Japanese Yew. repandens. Spreading English Yew. THUJA, B. & A. Golden Arborvitae. American Arborvitae…(839 × 1.258 (464 kB)) - 18 aug 2024 07:05
- Bestand:Chevy chase; a poem founded on the ancient ballad. With other poems (IA chevychasepoemfo00rosciala).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)was hcar«l the peal. With knee advanc'd and steady Each bowman bent An his heel. trusty yew. arrow frqm his broad belt drew. And ere he fix'd Twang'd…(641 × 1.091 (3,39 MB)) - 25 feb 2024 20:55
- Bestand:The gun and its development (IA cu31924097286177).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)English Long-bowman. or he had sometimes he was which, direction, a page or varlet a huge shield, behind which he In whom cross-bowman, was sometimes…(887 × 1.143 (29,55 MB)) - 10 mei 2024 02:17
- Bestand:The gun and its development (IA gunitsdevelopmen00greerich).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)protection from a cavalry charge. the cross-bowman, was sometimes attended slight like by zpaviser English Long-bowman. that is, a page or varlet who bore…(956 × 1.239 (51,38 MB)) - 11 mei 2024 00:20
- Bestand:The gun and its development (IA gunitsdevelopmen00gree).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)Long-bowman. a pike, in the nations. armament those kill arrows with his disabled furnished with slight nor complete The long-bowman soldier…(700 × 1.043 (56,03 MB)) - 11 mei 2024 00:20
- Bestand:Habitat estimates for maintaining viable populations of the Northern goshawk, black-backed woodpecker, flammulated owl, pileated woodpecker, American marten and fisher (IA CAT31365410).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)Edmonton, Canada. Bowman, J. 2003. Is dispersal distance of birds proportional to territory size? Canadian Journal of Zoology 81: 195-202. Bowman, J, J. A. G…(1.275 × 1.650 (162 kB)) - 24 aug 2024 23:50
- Bestand:Moon's hardy trees & plants for every place & purpose - 1924 - Moon's Nurseries ; the Wm. H. Moon Co. (IA CAT31313257).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)Japan Cypress Taxus cuspidata brevifolia. Japan Dwarf Yew Taxus repandens. English spreading Yew Tsuga Pendula. Sargent’s Weeping Hemlock . . 23 23 23…(777 × 1.181 (18,91 MB)) - 11 mrt 2023 04:04
- Bestand:The memories of Dean Hole (IA memoriesofdeanho00holeiala).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)England, Of true wood, of yew wood, The wood of English bows : So men, who are free, Love the old yew -tree, the land where the yew-tree grows And What…(704 × 1.079 (12,76 MB)) - 12 feb 2023 16:29
- Bestand:The memories of Dean Hole (IA memoriesdeanhole00holeiala).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)wood, of yew wood, The wood of English bows So men, who are free, Love the And old yew tree, the land where the "What The : yew tree grows…(795 × 1.308 (17,04 MB)) - 12 feb 2023 16:28
- Bestand:Proceedings of Learned Societies (IA biostor-94456).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)Britain, on the coast of Durham. a letter to the Secretary, by Mr. T. J. Bowman, Richmond. 5. Notice of the Cypresses in the gardens of Xeneralife, near…(666 × 1.160 (6,23 MB)) - 24 jan 2021 16:45
- Bestand:Thirty-day special car-lot offer, good until February 15, 1935, delivered at your station - Gardens of the Blue Ridge, E.C. Robbins, nurseryman. (IA CAT31395512).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)ft. _ 10- 12 ft. _ 12-14 ft. _ .45 .65 1.00 1.75 3.25 5.25 8.50 CANADA YEW 8-12 in. _ .22 AMERICAN ARBORVITAE IK-2 ft. _ 2- 3 ft. _ 3- 4 ft. _'._…(1.572 × 2.020 (365 kB)) - 16 aug 2024 19:53
- Bestand:The Phytologist- a popular botanical miscellany (IA phytologistpopul4144luxf).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)Worcestershire Botany, 969 Wrexham, plants growing near, 421 : : Yew-tree, spiral cells in wood of, 615 Yew-trees, notes on, 1131 Yorkshire, botanical ramble in,…(750 × 1.256 (72,77 MB)) - 5 jan 2025 22:13
- Bestand:Northern Region news (IA CAT91947833058).pdf (komt overeen met de inhoud van het bestand)Office € Pacific yew tree I n 1992, from May through September, forests in the Northern Re¬ gion increased their harvest of Pacific yew bark on National…(962 × 1.443 (1,19 MB)) - 17 aug 2024 22:06