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Wikivoyage:User account migration

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How you migrate your account first depends on whether you opted-in to have your information shared with the WMF. If you did not, please follow the directions below.

For those who did opt-in, your account's username and password for each Wikivoyage wiki have been transferred to the WMF. In order to start using your account, you need to establish a WMF identity, which can be used across all WMF websites. This requires that all of the accounts at the WMF have the same name, and you go through the Merge Account process.

You may have accounts on some or all of the following.

  • This Wikivoyage wiki
  • Other language Wikivoyage wikis
  • On one or more WMF websites

The first step in the process is to find a WMF identity that is not already in use by another person. Check the status of the username you are logged in with, or another name below.

Simple Merge


If your Wikivoyage username does not already exist at the WMF, or you control the account with the same username at the WMF, then it is a quick, automated process to merge your identities.

Visit Merge Account, and follow the instructions provided. You will need to either reenter your password and the password of your WMF account, or the accounts must have the same confirmed email address in order for you to prove ownership of all the accounts that you are merging.

Merge your Wikivoyage Username with a WMF Account


If your Wikivoyage username is already in use on WMF websites, or your already have a WMF username which is different from your Wikivoyage username, then your Wikivoyage username needs to be renamed to match your WMF username.

Once your old Wikivoyage username is merged into your new or existing WMF username, you will be able to login to Wikivoyage with your WMF username, and all of your Wikivoyage edits will be associated with your WMF identity. Links to your User and Talk pages throughout the Wikivoyage sites.

If you do not have a WMF Account


If your Wikivoyage username is already taken by another person, and you do not already have a WMF username, then you need to find a username that is not in use, and request a rename of your Wikivoyage account.

After you have identified an available WMF username, request an account rename below, specifying your old and new usernames. After your account has been renamed by a bureaucrat, you can make your account global by following the directions above.

If you have an existing WMF Account


If you have an existing WMF Account, simply request a merge below of your old Wikivoyage user accounts to your existing WMF username. (You can also manually post a request to Wikivoyage talk:User account migration).

Multiple Usernames Across Wikivoyage Sites


If you have multiple, different usernames on different Wikivoyage sites, you will need to pick a single username to use. You can use any one of your names that does not conflict with an existing WMF account, or you can create a new WMF username. Once you have a single, WMF identity, you will need to create separate merge requests for each wiki, specifying the correct username you are merging from, and the chosen name that you are merging to.

Request Username Merge


You will need to provide a means of proof (e.g. userpage edit on source wiki) to validate any merges/usernames with accounts you don't currently control.