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Uit Wikivoyage

Wikivoyage is van plan de licentie van de huidige Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0 ("CC 1.0") naar Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 ("CC 3.0"). Stem opties zijn Content = Instemming and Refuse = weigering to relicense your own content are accepted until October 1, 2009; if there is a broad consensus in favor, the license upgrade will take place on November 1, 2009.



By upgrading from the older CC 1.0 to the latest CC 3.0, Wikivoyage will...

  • Be able to use text contributions from CC 3.0-licensed projects. This includes Wikipedia, World66, HitchWiki and many, many more.
  • Simplify reuse. Currently, Wikivoyage text is CC 1.0, but many images are CC 3.0, creating a licensing headache. After the upgrade, the entire site will be CC 3.0.
  • Become more international. CC 1.0 is limited to American copyright law. CC 3.0 is available in jurisdiction-specific versions, giving you extra protection for reuse outside the United States.
  • Have a more secure legal position. Creative Commons has worked hard on patching loopholes in the original CC 1.0, and will continue to do so in the future.
  • Become future compatible. CC 1.0 does not have provisions for automatic updating (which is why this process is necessary), but CC 3.0 will automatically upgrade to the latest version.

Your Attribution and ShareAlike rights as a contributor are protected as well as or better by CC 3.0 than by CC 1.0. CC 1.0 was originally chosen only because there were no other practical options when Wikivoyage was launched, and Wikivoyage is now the only open content project of any size still using it. A detailed discussion of the differences is available at Creative Commons:

So what should I do?


You have three options:

  1. Consent by signing the Consent section below. This means you consent to relicense all your contributions to all Wikivoyage versions under CC 3.0.
  2. Refuse by signing the Refuse section below. This means that you oppose the license change, and do not consent to relicense your written work. If community consensus is to proceed with the migration, your contributions may be removed from Wikivoyage.
  3. Do nothing. If the community proceeds with the migration, your contributions may be either kept or deleted at the discretion of the site's other users. If you want to discuss your support or opposition to the license change, add a comment to Talk:License upgrade. You can later return and sign under Consent or Refuse.

I, the undersigned, hereby agree to release all my past, present and future text and image contributions on all language versions of Wikivoyage under Version 3.0 of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License.

To sign, login to the site, edit this page and enter # ~~~~.



I, the undersigned, hereby state that I do not wish to relicense my Wikivoyage contributions under Version 3.0 of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License, and hereby require their removal from this site.'

To sign, login to the site, edit this page and enter # ~~~~.