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Overleg gebruiker:(WT-nl) Handrian

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Hallo! van harte welkom op Wikivoyage! Alvast bedankt voor je (toekomstige) bijdragen. Als je vragen hebt dan kun je die altijd stellen in het Reizigerscafé, maar blader ook eens door de verschillende hulppagina's, het stijlhandboek en het gebruikersportaal. Duik erin en verbeter het project!

Namens alle Wikireizigers {(WT-nl) 3 Wise Men}

PS I have hidden most of your article on Volos. The information is good, but the Dutch is, sorry to say, at least a little bit strange ;-). It needs some serious editing.



Hello, I have tried to rewrite your article on Volos. In your way of writing, I can see, that English is more familiar to you. Never mind. Some things are not clear to me. I put the questions in the "overleg" (is Talk) page of the Volos article. Thank you (or Efcharisto) for your efforts.--(WT-nl) Rein N. 4 jul 2007 02:01 (EDT)

The question's I had, got solved by reading the English version.--(WT-nl) Rein N. 6 jul 2007 08:40 (EDT)

Function of Image Label template


Ola Hadrian,

Can you please add some detailed information about the function of this page and the way it can be used here on the Overleg pagina of the Template. If you write it in English someone ;-) will translate. Without explanation we will have to delete the page, which would be a shame. Thanx {(WT-nl) 3 Wise Men 5 aug 2007 03:20 (EDT)}