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Overleg gebruiker:(WT-nl) Tatata

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Uit Wikivoyage

Welcome Tatata,

At the Dutch Wikivoyage, where I am one of the admins. --Rein N. 11 mei 2009 13:38 (EDT)

Hi Rein N., Thanks. -- (WT-nl) Tatata 11 mei 2009 22:00 (EDT)



Your bot is working OK. But there was until now one chance I had reverted: en:Soest (Germany) is not nl:Soest (Nederland). One revert isn't bad. --Rein N. 14 mei 2009 01:31 (EDT)

Thank you and sorry for the problem. It was occurred because en:Soest was a redirect page to en:Soest (Germany), so I did comment out language link [[en:Soest]] on Soest (Nederland) to avoid the same problem on next run. ;-) -- (WT-nl) Tatata 14 mei 2009 01:46 (EDT)